Thank you for downloading my reference sheet lines! Here are instructions to get you started:

The file you just downloaded is a high resolution .PSD file.
You can print this file on paper or color it digitally using software.


How to Color This File Digitally:


  • Open this file using your digital art program (I recommend Adobe Photoshop)

  • Your artwork program must support layers, layer masks and layer groups.

  • YCH Tutorial Screenshot - Hide First Layer

    When you first open the file, there will be an introduction layer.

    Hide this layer to begin working.

    YCH Cuties Tutorial - Step 2

    Open the 'Color' layer group.

    This group contains your coloring options.

    YCH Cuties Tutorial - Step 3

    There are pre-made layer masks for different areas.

    Click these layers to select a new color and it will automatically be filled for you.

    YCH Cuties Tutorial - Step 4

    Try changing the colors on the eyes, nose and tougue.

    Each item gets changed in just a click or two! Neat, huh?

    YCH Cuties Tutorial - Step 5

    You can paint by hand as well.

    When you paint in this layer, it will automatically keep your color inside the border of the artwork.

    YCH Cuties Tutorial Step 6

    There's more options available!

    When you understand how to change the colors, try opening the markings folder to see all of the coloring options that you can easily change!